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Security Course Selection

Special Industrial Security Course

The most popular online PSRA Security Course in Jamaica for good reasons

10-day duration

Full online course training


Course offers all areas that a well informed security officer needs to excel anywhere locally or even abroad with the security industry guaranteed.

5,000 JMD

Tuition covers all expenses for this course and the certificate is digitally signed and awarded upon course completion. No further payments will be required.


Our PSRA certificate is automatically issued in the form of a digital certificate at the end of this course. Check Help Desk to learn all the benefits it offers.

Special Industrial Security Course

The most popular online PSRA Security Course in Jamaica for good reasons

10-day duration

Full online course training


Course offers all areas that a well informed security officer needs to excel anywhere locally or even abroad with the security industry guaranteed.

9,500 JMD

Tuition covers all expenses for this course and the certificate is digitally signed and awarded upon course completion. No further payments will be required.


Our PSRA certificate is automatically issued in the form of a digital certificate at the end of this course. Check Help Desk to learn all the benefits it offers.

Advanced Security Supervisory Management

An excellent popular online PSRA Security Supervisor Course in Jamaica

90-day duration

Full online course training


Course offers all areas that a well informed security supervisor needs to excel anywhere locally or even abroad with the security industry guaranteed.

18,500 JMD

Tuition covers all expenses for this course and the certificate is digitally signed and awarded upon course completion. No further payments will be required.


Our PSRA certificate is automatically issued in the form of a digital certificate at the end of this course. Check Help Desk to learn all the benefits it offers.

7-Day Exp Security Officer Certificate

An excellent popular online PSRA Security Supervisor Course in Jamaica

7-day duration

Fast legitimate PSRA Certificate service


Offering experienced security officers, 6-months experience and more the opportunity to get PSRA certified to renew their PRSA License.

12,500 JMD

Tuition covers all expenses for this course and the certificate is digitally signed and awarded upon course completion. No further payments will be required.


Our PSRA certificate is automatically issued in the form of a digital certificate at the end of this course. Check Help Desk to learn all the benefits it offers.